Parents & Families

My student needs help. Should I send them to the Dean of Students?

The Dean of Students knows that parents and families play an important role in students’ lives, and that doesn’t end when the student come to college.

College can be stressful and students sometimes don't know where to turn for help. The Dean of Students and her staff are here in your student's time of need with multiple resources to help navigate all kinds of issues.


Acquiring knowledge and earning a degree are why students attend college. Sometimes things get in the way of these academic pursuits and students need some accommodations to help them succeed.

In the event a student has an existing Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or need for accommodation while on campus they are advised to consult with our Center for Educational Access. Students can request accommodations fitting their needs ranging from note-taker accommodations to mobility assistance.
The Office of the Dean of Students encourages communication between the students and instructors regarding absences and make up work as outlined in the instructor’s syllabus. The Dean of Students does not supply excused absence notes. Our office will only notify instructors when a student is hospitalized or is incapable of contacting instructors themselves.
If an issue arises between a student and one of their instructors, contact the Dean or Department Head or Chair of the college the course falls under as a beginning point to address their grievance. If you are unsure who the Department Head is, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 479-575-5004 for assistance. If the issue involves a violation of regard to race/color, sex, gender, pregnancy, age, national origin, disability, religion, marital or parental status, protected veteran or military status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance at


Your student's information is protected. They have a rigth to release it to others or keep it private. Read more information below about their rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, commonly known as FERPA, is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of student education records. With few exceptions, all student education records are considered confidential and may not be released without written consent of the student. This protection for college education records begins when the student enrolls in a higher education institution, regardless of the student’s age.

In addition, FERPA affords students certain rights concerning their educational records.

  • You have the right to gain access to and seek amendment to inaccurate information contained in your educational records.
  • You have the right to disclose your personal educational records to whom you deem necessary.
  • You have the right to file a complaint with the FERPA Office in Washington.

Educational records are defined as ALL records that are:

  • Any record related to current or former student
  • Records that are maintained by the institution or staff member of the institution
  • Records that are maintained in any format

Examples may include:

  • Grades
  • Enrollment records
  • Schedules
  • Class lists
  • Personal identification numbers
  • Social security numbers
  • Student Conduct records
  • Campus Police records maintained only for law enforcement purposes
  • Employment records that are not a result of a student's status as a student
  • Medical records: For more information on privacy as it relates to medical records see HIPPA on the Pat Walker Health Center website.
  • Post-Attendance records
  • Unsuccessful applicant’s records: Record of student who were not admitted to the university

Financial Aid

Students have a personal obligation to understand and maintain the requirements of their financial aid and scholarships. It is advised that students be aware that they are designated a counselor as indicated by the first letter of their last name. The Office of Financial Aid has more information about student financial aid programs, counselors, and work-study.

In instances in which a student wishes to petition for a waiver of academic rules regarding probation, suspension, or other rules and regulations related to academic progress and graduation they should refer to the Office of the Registrar and consider an Academic Standards Committee Petition. In some circumstances students will need to apply for an appeal when Satisfactory Academic Progress is not made. For more information about that policy, students should contact the Office of Financial Aid at 479-575-3806.
Withdrawing from classes can affect a student's financial aid status/ Students may have to repay all or part of federal aid in cases of withdrawal, depending on the date. More information can be found on financial aid.

Health & Wellness

Sometimes a student can experience a personal emergency or a medical issue. We want you to know that you have options and resources to make informed decisions about your academic career based on your personal situation.

Think your student may need academic accommodations? Get registered with the Center for Educational Access (CEA) so accommodations can be implemented quickly if needed. Provision of reasonable accommodations is determined individually, based on the nature of the student's disability, the environmental barriers encountered, and the content of documentation provided. Please feel free to take a look at examples of accommodations which may be available. Students can register with CEA and request accommodations at any point during the semester, but accommodations are not retroactive.
There are many reasons why a student might be home sick. It is a common feeling for most students. It’s best that you have your student connect with the U of A Cares Coordinator at (479) 575-5004 to discuss and explore the various options available to them.
The student should check their UAConnect Student Center to see if they have any holds they need to take care of prior to registering for classes. Visit to submit a non-emergency student concern and U of A Cares would be glad to assist them in their return and to access any resources they may need on campus.
Students can review the university attendance policy for in the undergraduate catalog. Their instructor should have a written policy in the course syllabus regarding documentation/communication they may require. If your student needs support or guidance, please call the Dean of Students at (479) 575-5004.
Students can review the university attendance policy for in the undergraduate catalog. Your student's instructor should have a written policy in the courses syllabus regarding documentation/communication they may require. When possible, arrangements for medical absence should be made in writing prior to the absence. If your student was seen by the medical clinic at Pat Walker Health Center and was unable to provide documentation to their course instructor, they can utilize the Explanatory Statement for Absence from Class or Work form as part of their communication regarding their absence.
We have several resources available to students regarding their health and wellness. On campus, students have access to a Primary Care Clinic, Women’s Clinic, Allergy and Immunization Clinic, and nutrition counseling at the Pat Walker Health Center. Through the PWHC students also have access to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), wellness coaching and programs, and much more. You can find information about the PWHC and available services at Your student may also reach out to the UA Cares Coordinator for assistance and/or referrals to additional resources through the Office of the Dean of Students at (479) 575-5004.
Students, employees and/or visitors who want to report gender discrimination, sexual harassment, (including sexual assault, sexual violence, sexual misconduct, domestic violence and stalking) or retaliation for reporting sexual harrasment should call (479) 575-7011 or report the incident at
Go to and choose either. Always call 911 if there is a threat of harm to self or others. For assistance regarding campus safety conerns, call the University of Arkansas Police Department as (479) 575-2222.

Student Conduct

Students make mistakes and can act in ways they shouldn't. When this happens, the Office of Student Conduct helps those students get back on the right path.

The Office of Student Accountability is committeed to promoting a safe, healthy, and inclusive community where students can pursue their academic endeavors and grow into productive global citizens. This is accomplished through the investigation, adjudication, and sanctioning as it relates to the behaviorial standards as outlined in the Code of Student Life. Please visit their website for more information regarding the student conduct process at
The Code of Student Life is a university document that sets out expectations for students' behavior both on and off campus. You can find the Code of Student Life at the following link:
The University of Arkansas has established policies regarding the adjudication of alleged violations to the Code of Student Life, in addition to a student's rights within the process. Information regarding the process can be found at or at
Please call the Dean of Students office at (479) 575-5004. We can help you!